Alpha Enzo by Ls Barbosa

Alpha Enzo by Ls Barbosa Chapter 97
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Chapter 97


“He is asleep,” I said, walking out of Ashton’s room, thankful that he managed t o get sshut eye. I wasn’t going to be able to talk to Enzo about anything if he was awake,

well. and I knew that it was something that he knew very

He nodded, his expression now serious as he lost all the playfulness in his gaze.

I sat on the couch beside him, turning to lean my back against the armrest as I c rossed my legs underto look at him. Enzo ran his finger over the glass of win e that he was initially drinking, the one thing that kept him grounded as not to end up growing anymore annoyed than he clearly was.

“So, you were telling me that Jacob is playing dirty? Or you believe that he would be playing dirty?” I asked, and he nodded. “You know that he and Damon are brothers, eve

n if he wants to play them dirty, the one concern that we are going to be having is Katherine growing stronger.”

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“I don’t believe that he is going to be playing dirty, I know that he would. I doub t that Damon realizes it, but Jacob is not the type to be willing to share his pow er with anyone. He would want to claim it all as his own, and trustwhen I say , he is not going to accept sharing it with his brother.” He said, and I took a deep breath. “Katerina knows how he is and she knows that he would be willing to do everything for power. Wh atever brought him strength and whatever he was going to consider as wealth, h e is going to be sure to take advantage of it.”

“Okay, but how are we going to manage things from our side? Don’t getwrong , we are going to be dealing with more hell than we can handle, and…”


“There is no running away from the man’s anger and the issues that would be fol lowing when he gets the chance to infiict them,” Enzo said, stopping me.

“And that is something that we are going to be forced to take care of. Ignoring the fact that we have Ashton to take care of right now, I can keep him safe, and you don’t have to worry about it…”

“He is my son, Alaria. Whether or not you choose to admit it depends on you, bu t I am not going to allow him to think that he can harm my son while I just stand and watch. And I don’t want you

thinking that would be possible as well,” he said, stopping me. “I “I believe that you are concerned about the pack though; and I have that covered too. They are going to be safe, and we are going to know how to fight him.”


Chapter 97

“Not if he gathers rogues against you, I said, ignoring the fiutter that I felt in my heart at the fact that despitenot wanting him to, him caring about Ashton the way that he did. The man was fightingfor my son, and that was s omething that I couldn’t help but find myself appreciating, no matter the fact o fnot wanting to very much.


These rogues are on their own, something that he doesn’t seem to understand; i s the fact that they can easily be bought or can betray him should they find a stro nger Alpha to follow. The issue would lie on the fact of whether or not they want to have him as an alley, and IF they do…”

“Then we have a problem on our plate.” I said, completing his sentence. He rais ed an eyebrow atand I shook my head in question. “I doubt that you expect that I am going to let you deal with it on your own. And it is not because I am b eing good or kind, but if my son is the only heir, I don’t want him being at risk fr om a man who is going to grow power hungry.”



“The fact that you are admitting that he is heir…”

“Trust me, I am doing it against my will. Espoke toa few days ago and tol dof the risk that could happen if I chose to ignore the fact that Ashton is your heir. O therwise, I would have told you off and left on the first plane…‘


“You can’t expectto allow the man who called my son a bastard into his life. It is bad enough that I am forced to bare with him coming over every few days…”

“He is the boy’s father, and regardless of how much you want to deny it; his wolf would be dragging him to you. While yes, I don’t like the idea of him being arou nd you too much, the fact that he is ensures the safety of Ashton.” He said, and I scoffed.

“You talk as if I can’t secure my son’s safety.”

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“You can unless it is a battle of Alphas and trustwhen I say that you are not going to want him to deal with it as an infant. Others will not hesitate to…”

“They wouldn’t dare.”

“When power is involved, a man is blinded, and when he is, things that you can’t and won’t expect will happen. An d trust me, Alaria, Ashton is too young to lose you as you protect him and you are not going to want to deal with the pain of fighting for your and your son’s lives.” He said, kee ping his eyes on mine. “Allow him to do his part as a father and Alpha and be su re that you do yours as his mother. It is the only way for you and him to be safe, do you understand me, sister?”

Chapter 97

End of Flashback.

“And for that, I am forced to be staying here, in front of you, acknowledging the fact that he is your son and heir.” I said, rolling my eyes. “That is, of course, until you manage to fin d yourself someone else to give you an heir.”

“That is not an option that I want to discuss, and I believe that you know that I wouldn’t want an heir with someone else.” He said, and I pinched the bridge of my nose.

“The two of us know the risk of having just one son.”

“Then we have another,” he said, making my eyes widen at his audacity. “When y ou are ready for the two of us to start a new page, we have another.”

“And you believe that I am going to allow you touch me, Enzo?” I asked, and he shook his head.

“I don’t,” he said, making my chest ache. “But I intend to earn the idea alone of fixing what I lost.

He got up from the couch, and I looked at him as he put on his jacket, leavingdumbfounded with the number of thoughts that played in my head. “I’ll show myself to the door. It’s late and you are going to need to rest…”